Methods of decoding of the geoecological conditions of territories of mining complexes based on the data of earth remote sensing

  • A.V. Ivanov St. Petersburg Mining University, 2, 21st Line, St Petersburg 199106, Russia
  • A.V. Strizhenok St. Petersburg Mining University, 2, 21st Line, St Petersburg 199106, Russia
  • I.K. Suprun St. Petersburg Mining University, 2, 21st Line, St Petersburg 199106, Russia
Keywords: environmental monitoring, Earth remote sensing, visual decoding, automated decoding, classification, multitime satellite imagery


There are a steady tendency to significantly increase the volume of extraction and processing of mineral raw materials on our planet in recent decades. It leads to an increase in the volume of industrial waste, which predominant method of disposal is placement on the Earth surface in the form of anthropogenic arrays. Such anthropogenic arrays are especially subjecting to the risk of emergencies, which can entail significant social, environmental and economic damage. In this regard, the development and implementation of environmental monitoring systems on the territory of the impact of industrial waste storages, which can quickly identify sources of anthropogenic load and carry out their timely elimination, is of particular relevance to society, the economy and the state. Monitoring of the state of components of the environment based on remote sensing data is one of the most innovative and developing areas of environmental monitoring today. Today, monitoring the state of natural objects exposed to the negative impact of the enterprises of the mineral resource complex using data from remote sensing of the earth is of significant practical and scientific interest. The whole variety of techniques and methods for decoding satellite images is reduced to two main methods: visual and automated (computer). Visual decryption refers to the process performed by the operator. In contrast, automated decryption is the software processing of images on a computer using special programs. Space imagery has taken a strong place in the system of tools used in environmental monitoring. The list of thematic tasks to be solved according to the Earth’s remote sensing data is huge, and monitoring the environmental situation of territories exposed to the negative impact of the mineral resources complex, based on the Earth’s remote sensing data, is a promising and actively developing method of environmental monitoring. This paper presents the main methods of decoding of the geo-ecological conditions of territories of mining complexes based on the data of earth remote sensing.
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