Focus and Scope

The journal “Geology and Geophysics of Russian South” is a periodical peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes original articles and reviews on the results of geological and geophysical studies in southern Russia and neighboring territories of the Caucasus (Section Policies).

The mission of the journal is consolidation of the community of academic and university scientists on the basis of the principles of scientific and professionalism, actively engage an international audience in the study and discussion of geological and geophysical scientific problems of the region, develop international cooperation in the Caucasus, present the results of regional studies to an accessible international audience.

The journal accepts the following types of manuscripts: original articles, reviews, essays, descriptions of professional experience, comments, events reports on actual  geological-geophysical and ecological problems of the South of Russia and adjacent territories.

The journal accepts manuscripts in Russian and English.


Russian Science Citation Index. 

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Section Policies

  • General and regional geology
  • Hydrogeology
  • Paleontology and stratigraphy
  • Lithology
  • Geotectonics and geodynamics
  • Geophysics
  • Geophysical methods
  • Geology, prospecting and exploration of solid minerals, minerageny
  • Geology, prospecting and exploration of oil and gas fields
  • Geoecology
  • Geography
  • Geotechnology. Geomechanics
  • Geoinformatics

Peer Review Process

The journal conducts a single-blind peer review of manuscripts received. The author does not know the name of the reviewer. Correspondence between the author and the reviewer takes place via e-mail in the e-edition on the journal's website. The review period is 15 days.

The present “Order of a reviewing of scientific papers incoming to the editorship of the journal “Geology and Geophysics of Russian South” for publication” (hereafter the “Order”) defines the procedure of a document processing of scientific papers incoming for publication and their further support in a reviewing process for possible publication.

  1. According to the present Order all scientific articles received by the journal editorship for publication and fully satisfying the “Rules for the authors of the journal “Geology and Geophysics of Russian South” established by editorial board must be subjected to the reviewing.Articles received by the editorship are registered in the established order and get the corresponding number in the waiting list for publication.
  2. The article is not considered in the case if it does not correspond to the “Rules”.
  3. Leading domestic as well as foreign experts in corresponding disciplines are involved to the articles’ reviewing. As a rule, domestic reviewers are Doctors of Science.
  4. A reviewer is not personified for the authors of articles (single-blind peer review).
  5. A review shows the correspondence of manuscript content and its name, relevance of the work, scientific novelty and practical significance, validity of conclusions and recommendations, advantages and certain disadvantages of literature and other sources as well as the quality of work design. 
  6. A review should be completed by clear conclusions (to recommend for publication, to correct, to consider the publication as inappropriate). Signature of a reviewer is verified by the institution where he works and the date is put. 
  7. Editorship informs the author about the result of his work reviewing and provides an anonymous copy of a review. If the article needs some corrections the editorial board sends a copy of the review to the author with a proposal to improve it according to the reviewers’ comments. 
  8. Corrected version of the article must be returned by the author to the editorship within two weeks. In case of timeout return of the manuscript by the author to the editorship the date of its initial registration will be canceled and the article will be registered again. Corrected articles are sent by the editorship to re-review to the same reviewer. 
  9. The final decision on the subject of publication of an article is adopted on a recommendation of the editorial board by the chief editor of the journal. 
  10. In case of an article rejection by the editorial board the editorship sends motivated refusal to the author. The editorship doesn’t discuss it with the authors of rejected materials. 
  11. The editorship of the journal necessarily provides the reviews on requests of expert council of Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. 
  12. The information contained in the manuscripts is confidential before its publication. Reviewers and editorial staff have no right to use the information about the work content in their own interests before its publication. 
  13. All manuscripts in the editorship are stored (together with the reviews) for five years. Manuscripts are not returned to the authors.

Publication Frequency

The journal is published 4 times a year (quarterly).

Open Access Policy

"Geology and Geophysics of Russian South" is an open access journal. All articles are made freely available to readers immediatly upon publication.

Our open access policy is in accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) definition - it means that articles have free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself.

For more information please read BOAI statement.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Russian State Library

Publishing Ethics

Compliance requirements of publication ethics in the preparation and publication of the journal Geology and Geophysics of Russian South apply to all members of the publishing process, i.e., authors, editors, reviewers, and the publisher of the journal. The editorial board monitors compliance with the ethics requirements based on the manuals prepared by international specialized organizations, associations and publishers, as well as the Association of Science Editors and Publishers. The main standards relied on by the journal Science Editor and Publisher are those developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (Committee on Publication Ethics) in the United Kingdom, by the publisher Elsevier (Netherlands), and other non-Russian editorial associations and information systems, as well as the declaration of "Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications".

Responsibility of the editors of the journal Geology and Geophysics of Russian South

  1. The editors are personally and independently responsible for the content of the materials published and recognize that responsibility. The reliability of the work in question and its scientific significance should always be the basis in the decision to publish.
  2. The editors make fair and objective decisions, regardless of any commercial considerations and provide a fair and efficient process for the independent review.
  3. The editors evaluate manuscripts' intellectual content without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, origin, nationality, and/or the political preferences of the authors.
  4. The editors do not work with articles for which they have a conflict of interest.
  5. The editors resolve conflict situations arising during the editorial process, as well as use all available means to resolve these situations.
  6. The editors of the journal publish information concerning corrections, rebuttals, and review articles in case the need arises.
  7. The editors of the journal do not publish the final version of the article without the consent of the authors.


The responsibility of the reviewers of the journal Geology and Geophysics of Russian South

  1. The reviewer evaluates his or her own availability before the examination of the manuscript and accepts materials for review only if the reviewer is able to allow for sufficient time as to ensure the quality his or her work.
  2. The reviewer notifies the editorial staff of any conflict of interest (if one exists) before the start of the review of the article.
  3. The reviewer does not send information about the article and or any of the data contained within the article to any third party.
  4. The reviewer does not use the information obtained from the article for any personal and or commercial purposes.
  5. The reviewer does not make conclusions about the quality of the article on the basis of subjective data, e.g. the personal relationship to the author, gender, age, religion, etc.
  6. The reviewer uses only proper and appropriate language and explanations in respect to the articles, avoiding any personal remarks.


The responsibility of the authors of material for the journal Geology and Geophysics of Russian South

  1. The author submits materials for review, which have not been previously published. If the article is based on previously published material which are not academic articles or based on materials presented on the Internet, the author should notify the editorial staff of the journal.
  2. The author does not submit the same article to different journals for review.
  3. All co-authors consent to the submission of their articles to the journal.
  4. The author informs the editorial staff of a potential conflict of interest.
  5. The author takes the necessary steps to ensure the correctness of citations in the submitted article.
  6. The list of authors included only individuals who have made significant contributions to the research.
  7. The author correctly cites his or her previous work as to avoid self-plagerism in the manuscript and the artificial increase of volume of publications (salami-slicing).
  8. The author, who is acting as the contact with journal, informs all other co-authors of all changes and suggestions from the editorial staff, and does not make decisions regarding the article alone without the written consent of all co-authors.
  9. The author properly corresponds with the reviewer through contact with the editor and responds to comments and observations if they arise.
  10. If necessary, the authors either adjust the data presented in the article, or refute them.


The responsibility of the publisher of the journal Geology and Geophysics of Russian South

  1. The publisher not only supports scientific communication and  invests in the process, but is also responsible for complying with all current guidelines and standards for publishing scientific work.
  2. The publisher does not affect the editorial policy of the journal.
  3. The publisher provides legal support to the journal if necessary.
  4. The publisher provides for the timely release of futures issues of the journal.
  5. The publisher publishes changes, explanations, and recalls articles that have been identified to contain scientific misconduct and or critical errors.


Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Founder address: 1, Williams Str., Mikhailovskoye, RNO-Alania, 363110 Russia  22

Tel.:  +7 (8672) 72-67-88



Geophysical Institute of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Publisher address: 93a, Markova Str., Vladikavkaz, RNO-Alania, 362002 Russia

Tel.: 8 (8672) 764084; Fax: +7 (8672) 764056


Journal History

The journal "Geology and Geophysics of Russian South" has been published since 2011.

Author fees

Publication in "Geology and Geophysics of Russian South" is free of charge for all the authors.

The journal doesn't have any Article processing charges.

Policy of disclosure and conflicts of interest

Unpublished data from manuscripts submitted for consideration can not be used for personal research without the expressed written consent of the author.

Information or ideas obtained through peer review and related actives, which potentially can be beneficial to any party other than the author, must be kept confidential and not be used for personal gain.

Reviewers should not participate in the examination of manuscripts in the event of a conflict of interest that is a result of any competitive, cooperative, and or other interactions and relationships with any of the authors, companies, and or other organizations involved in the creation or presentation of the works.

Requirements for the journal "Geology and Geophysics of Russian South"

1. Regularity of issues (confirmation of periodicity by the journal website; mailshot to subscribers).

2. All the works published in the journal must meet the topics of the journal.

3. Submitted manuscripts undergo stages of preliminary and final review and, if necessary, are sent to the authors for correction and revision.

4. Abstracts are published both in Russian and English.

5. Received materials are not returned.

6. The editorial board reserves the right to make reductions and editorial changes to the text of the article. Corrections in the text and illustrations the authors can make only at the stage of preparation to printing. 

7. The number of authors of the article should not exceed three people from one organization or four – from two or more organizations.

8.The availability of the Institute of review, consisting of highly qualified specialists in the field of geology and geophysics.

9. Single-blind peer review; availability of three or more reviewers for all the articles of every issue is required.

10. Only original articles are published in the journal. The author is fully responsible for compliance with this requirement. The originality of the article should not be less than 80% (verified by Antiplagiat software).

11. Availability of an abstract of the article, consisting of 250-300 words and outlining the main content of the article.

12. Availability of keywords (6-8 words).

13. All the articles must contain the list of references. The list of references should include at least 20-30 items, 30% of which must be from English-language sources published over the last 5 years. Inclusion in the list of 2 or more own works is not allowed. 

14. The presence of a journal section devoted to the publishing and publication ethics, the recognition version of the compliance-ethics of scientific publications and statements about the absence of malpractice.

15. Failure to follow the rules of manuscript preparation leads to a delay in publication or rejection of the manuscript.

16. The conditions of publication of advertising and commemorative materials are coordinated by mutual agreement. Congratulations on the anniversaries from companies and organizations should be submitted to the editors not later than 3 months before the date of publication. The editorial board is not responsible for the content of advertising material submitted for publication in the journal "Geology and Geophysics of Russian South".

17. Reprint of published in the journal materials is allowed only with the permission of the publisher and with reference to the journal "Geology and Geophysics of Russian South".

18. Publication of articles is free for authors, honoraria are not paid.

Derivation and Plagiarism

During the consideration of an article, the editorial staff of the journal Geology and Geophysics of the South of Russia may conduct a verification of the submitted materials with the help the Anti-plagiarism system. In the case of the discovery of multiple incidents of content matching, the editorial staff acts in accordance with the rules of COPE.

Preprint and postprint Policy

During the submission process, the author must confirm that the article has not been published and or accepted for publication in any other journal. When citing articles published in the journal Geology and Geophysics of Russian South, the publisher requests the authors to provide a link (the full URL of the material) to the official website of the journal.

Articles, which have been previously posted by the author on personal and or public websites that have no relationship to any other publishers, are allowed to be submitted to the journal.