Geodynamic nature of the location of oil and gas fields (on the example of the Stavropol Territory)

  • E.A. Sidorchuk Oil and Gas Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 3 Gubkin Str., Moscow 119333, Russian Federation
  • S.A. Dobrynina Oil and Gas Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 3 Gubkin Str., Moscow 119333, Russian Federation
Keywords: local geodynamic conditions, forecasting methodologies, prospecting technologies, large-scale oil and gas accumulation, hydrocarbon reserves


Relevance. The development and improvement of scientific and methodological foundations for forecasting and searching for hydrocarbon (HC) accumulations has been relevant throughout the existence of oil and gas geology. Geodynamic processes during geological history lead to a certain placement of natural reservoirs in the sedimentary cover of oil and gas basins. The aim of the work performed was to solve two problems. One task included improving the technology for searching for the largest hydrocarbon accumulations in terms of reserves using modern forecasting methodology. Another task was to establish a connection between the scale of oil and gas accumulations and geological factors. Research methods. To achieve the goals and fulfill the assigned tasks, generalization and systematization of geological data, correlation analysis, cartographic constructions, and comparison of the results of calculations performed by the authors and other researchers on the topic under study were used. Results. Using the example of an oil and gas prospective territory in an oil and gas basin of a two-storey structure, the authors showed the existence of two types of dependence of geological reserves on the effective volume. The authors explain this interesting result by the geodynamic nature of the placement of hydrocarbon deposits, which is especially well manifested for the most extensive reserves of oil and gas fields. A very wide range of oil and gas potential is observed in this region and individual deposits in different stratigraphic horizons may fall into different geodynamic conditions. The structural features of the sedimentary cover and the landscape of the territory are considered as local geodynamic conditions having certain geological, geophysical and structural characteristics. It is shown that the largest reserves of hydrocarbon deposits are confined to local geodynamic conditions. For the studied region, local geodynamic conditions, reflected in the nature of the relief lineaments, are volcanic structures and volcanoplutonic centers of Triassic age associated with structures of the central type.

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Geology, prospecting and exploration of oil and gas fields