A volumetric digital model of the tectonic structure of the deep horizons of the Urup copper-pyrite deposit (North Caucasus)

  • G.S. Yanvarev Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI), 132 Prosveshcheniya Str., Novocherkassk 346428, Russian Federation
  • B.B. Bobomurotov Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI), 132 Prosveshcheniya Str., Novocherkassk 346428, Russian Federation
Keywords: Urup field, GGIS “Micromine”, tectonic structure, shift, digital model


Relevance. Volumetric digital modeling of mineral bodies in the process of mining and operational exploration is increasingly being introduced into the practice of mining enterprises, including for building models of tectonic structures and analyzing the impact of tectonics on ore bodies. In this paper, the methodology for analyzing the tectonic structure of the deep horizons of the western flank of the Main ore deposit of the Urupskoye deposit is disclosed, the results of constructing volumetric models of discontinuous faults are presented, on the basis of which it is possible to obtain new information and identify hidden, previously not fixed patterns. Aim. Construction of a volumetric model and analysis of the internal structure of the Urup fault, which divides the main ore deposit into tectonic blocks. Integration of the tools of the mining and geological information system “Micromine” to build a volumetric model of the tectonic zone. Analysis of the impact of discontinuous faults on the ore deposit. Methods. To construct the model, a matrix model of the roof of an ore deposit, stereograms of the orientation of fractured structures were constructed, and their cluster analysis was carried out. The largest and most significant displacements in the main directions of fracturing have been traced. The skeletons of the ore body, bounded by cracks, were built. Results. Frame models of the main discontinuous structures of the deposit and frame models of tectonic blocks of the Main ore deposit were constructed. The conclusion is made about the complexly constructed three-dimensional geometrization of the Urup fault, consisting of periodic series of cracks of different orders, arranged in a backstage manner both in relation to the general fault line and in relation to each other. The left-thrust character of the Urup fault has been established. The internal structure of the fault is caused by a periodic series of low-amplitude discharges obliquely oriented towards the general direction of shear. The amplitude of the displacement of ore blocks along the faults is compensated by a series of upsurges. The blocks form a mosaic of ground ore bodies displaced relative to each other in different directions.

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Geology, prospecting and exploration of solid minerals, minerageny