Hardening backfill at potash mines: promising materials regulating stress-strain behavior of rock mass

  • Ch.B. Kongar-Syuryun St. Petersburg Mining University, 2, 21st Line, 199106 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
  • E.R. Kovalski St. Petersburg Mining University, 2, 21st Line, 199106 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Keywords: potash salt, processing waste, backfill, mining method, potash mine, stress-strain behavior


Relevance. Analysis of potash mining experience has shown that traditional technologies are characterized by low efficiency. Method with natural support is mainly used for potash mining, which predetermines high losses in the remaining pillars. At the same time, such technologies do not always ensure the preservation of water protection strata. The violation of water protection strata leads to the penetration of above-salt water into the mine, causes “erosion” of pillars due to the high solubility of salt rocks, and causes complete flooding of mines. Aim of the article is analysis of earlier studies on control and reduction of stressstrain behavior of rock mass for potash mines and development vector of technologies and materials for filling mined-oud voids to control the overlying mass and prevent lateral deformations of pillars. Methods. To achieve this purpose, mining practices at potash deposits were analyzed in conjunction with a review of previous research on underground mineral extraction. Results. The paper analyzes the compositions of hardening backfill used in the mining industry. Factors influencing backfill composition are identified and promising components for potash mines conditions are given.

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