Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of fluxing limestone of Sokol-Sitov deposit as a ameliorant for the neutralization of acidic soils

  • V.A. Matveeva St. Petersburg Mining University, 2, 21st Line, Saint Petersburg 199106, Russian Federation
  • A.V. Lukyanova St. Petersburg Mining University, 2, 21st Line, Saint Petersburg 199106, Russian Federation
Keywords: limestone rubble, ameliorant, liming, acidic soils, degree of soil acidity, ameliorant dosage, growth, germination


Relevance. Currently, the problem of soil acidification is becoming more widespread every year and affects new areas. This is due to the impact increased on soils, multiple use of soil resources in the crop rotation without additional assistance in the restoration, as well as the use of resources in industry. Particular negative impact is caused by the mining, which uses a large amount of soil resources. At the same time, the time it takes to restore the disturbed areas is counted in decades. Without the support of the people, this problem cannot be solved in the short term. The aim of the work is to analyze existing solutions to this problem and assessment of effectiveness of the proposed method. Methods. This article assessed the effectiveness of fluxing limestone as a ameliorant for neutralizing acidic soils. For an objective assessment and obtaining reliable information, field and laboratory experiments were carried out, growth and germination were measured. For each experiment the plants and the period were determined. For the experimental part of the preliminary analysis of limestone and soils on the content of heavy metals, also, to determine the change in the state of the soil pH were measured. As a result of the analyses, it was concluded that the fluxing limestone meets the requirements for ameliorants. The results of the experiments prove that limestone crushed stone of the Sokol-Sitov deposit is suitable and effective as a reclamation agent for neutralizing acidic soils.

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