Regional thermal field and geothermal resources of the Caucasus region

  • M.D. Khutorskoy Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, 119017, Moscow, Pyzhevsky lane, 7, building 1
Keywords: thermal waters, hydrothermal resources, petrothermal resources, geothermal field


Relevance: The growing interest in alternative renewable energy sources (RES) in the world in recent decades is due not only to the depletion of hydrocarbon fuel reserves, but also to the need to solve a number of environmental problems. The aim of the article is to identify the prospects for the use of thermal waters. Methods of work: With all methods of developing thermal water deposits, the North Caucasus, for several reasons, should be considered one of the most promising regions for the widespread involvement of thermal energy waters in the fuel and energy balance. Throughout the region - from Dagestan in the east to the Krasnodar Territory in the west - significant resources of natural coolants with different thermal potential have been identified. Climatic conditions and the predominantly agro-industrial specialization of heat consumers provide favorable prerequisites for the use of thermal energy waters additionally or, in some cases, instead of traditional energy sources. And finally, significant amounts of geological exploration work have been carried out within the North Caucasus and a large number of thermal water deposits have been identified. Results of the work: The features of the thermal field of the Caucasus region and the prospects for the utilization of geothermal (hydro- and petrothermal) resources as one of the promising alternative and renewable energy sources are considered. The connection between the distribution of heat flow and the history of the tectonic development of the region is emphasized.

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