Volumetric digital model of deep horizons of the Main ore deposit of the Urupsky copper-crusted deposit

  • G.S. Yanvarev Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI), 132 Prosveshcheniya Str., Novocherkassk 346428, Russian Federation
  • B.B. Bobomurotov Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI), 132 Prosveshcheniya Str., Novocherkassk 346428, Russian Federation
Keywords: Urupskoe field, MGIS «Micromine», block model, copper, reserves, zonation


Relevance. Volumetric digital modeling of mineral bodies in the process of mining and operational exploration is increasingly being introduced into the practice of mining enterprises for operational planning and accounting of the movement of reserves. At the same time, the penetration of exploration wells in different planes of the developed volume of geological space creates difficulties in linking the boundaries of ore bodies in the interprofile space and planning mining operations, and the use of mining and geological information systems requires the contractor to work out certain algorithms for the consistent use of tools to obtain adequate models, taking into account the unique features of each deposit and the volume and content of the initial data. In this paper, for the first time, a volumetric digital model of an ore deposit illustrating the spatial distribution of the contents and reserves of ore components is constructed for the deep horizons of the Urup copper-crusted deposit. The experience of such work can be useful to specialists engaged in operational exploration. Aim. Integration of the tools of the mining and geological information system “Micromine” for the construction of a volumetric model of an ore deposit. Analysis of the distribution of the contents of useful components and reserves in the volume of the ore deposit. Search for promising areas for further development of mining operations. Methods. The paper describes a step-by-step algorithm for constructing a digital block model of the Main ore deposit of the Urupskoye deposit using standard tools of the mining and geological information system “Mycromine”, such as conditional modeling (the “vein” object), building frames along the lines of geological boundaries projected on the plane of sections, filling frames with blocks with interpolation of contents from well samples to the center block by the method of inverse weighted distances. Results. Frame and block models of deep horizons of the Main ore deposit of the deposit were constructed. The optimal size and orientation of the search ellipsoid axes for interpolating the contents of ordinary samples into the cells of the block model are selected. The distribution of copper contents, zoning coefficient Zn/(Zn+Cu) and reserves in flat sections is shown. The tendency of the reserve maxima in the plane of the ore deposit to be confined to zones oriented from northwest to southeast, located between the branches of the main tectonic disturbances, has been revealed. In the section of the deposit, the maximum reserves form “wings” oriented to the lithological boundary of the roof of the deposit at an angle of 5°.

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Geology, prospecting and exploration of solid minerals, minerageny