Analysis of biological methods for quarry wastewater treatment from nitrogen compounds

  • M.A. Pashkevich St. Petersburg Mining University, 2? 21st Line, St Petersburg 199106, Russian Federation
  • A.E. Korotaeva St. Petersburg Mining University, 2? 21st Line, St Petersburg 199106, Russian Federation
Keywords: Biological methods, wastewater treatment, nitrogen compounds, quarry water, nitrogen removal, constructed wetlands


Relevance. The activities of mining enterprises are inextricably linked with the conduct of blasting operations. Currently, the most common explosives are emulsion explosives, grammonites, amons, ammonites and other explosives containing ammonium nitrate, which, during the blasting process, passes into wastewater in the form of nitrate and nitrite ions, as well as ammonium ions. Exceeding the maximum permissible concentration of nitrogen compounds in water bodies can lead to eutrophication. As a result of this process, there is a violation of the ecological balance of reservoirs, as well as an increase in the number of various hydrobionts, a decrease in the transparency of water and the content of dissolved oxygen. In addition, the nitrate form of nitrogen is converted into nitrite in reservoirs, which negatively affects the nervous and cardiovascular system of a person when drinking water from such a reservoir. At the moment, there are physico-chemical, chemical and biological methods of water treatment from nitrogen. The use of each of these methods is determined by parameters of quarry wastewater and the requirements for treatment quality. Aim. The aim of the work is to review the methods of biological purification that are used for nitrogen compounds from quarry wastewater. Methods. The research methods include the analysis and comparison of biological treatment methods. Results. The factors affecting the efficiency of these processes and systems are presented, as well as these comparative characteristics, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. The most preferred biological treatment method of a large volume of formed quarry wastewater is the recognized methods of complex treatment according to the type of constructed wetlands with the complex use of higher and lower plant species.

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