Influence of wind conditions and pressure the influence of atmospheric air on the reliability of mine ventilation and the human body

  • I.D. Alborov Geophysical Institute of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 93a Markova Str., Vladikavkaz 362002, Russian Federation
  • V.B. Zaalishvili Geophysical Institute of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 93a Markova Str., Vladikavkaz 362002, Russian Federation
Keywords: depression of natural thrust, air velocity, flow direction, barometric coefficient, upland mines, wind pressure


Relevance. The paper is devoted to substantiation of consideration of natural draught on efficiency and reliability of ventilation of mines with complex ventilation network in multi-wall opening of mineral deposits. The level on lungs of miners in conditions of reduced atmospheric pressure is shown. Aim. The article presents the results of studies on the influence of meteorological and geophysical factors on the reliability of ventilation systems in high mountain conditions. It shows the dynamics of the influence of wind flows during adit opening of deposits on the stability of air supply of mine workings and mines as a whole. The theoretical formulas for calculating the natural draught at different directions of the velocity vector of air flows on the day surface are given. Methods. The method of taking into account the natural draught in different levels of barometric pressure is given. Consideration of the barometric coefficient at different levels of the location of the mine above sea level is shown. Results. It is shown that without taking into account geophysical factors of meteorological conditions of the area to ensure reliable ventilation of working places of the mine. It is noted that the decrease of the partial pressure of oxygen in the lung alveoli leads to disturbance of the normal rhythm of the respiratory function of the human body. This contributes to the development of dysfunction and weakening of human resistance and other diseases, which reduces the potential work capacity and professional qualities of the worker. Appropriate correction factors for normalized dustiness and ventilation system are introduced to ensure reliable operation under all deviations. Recommendations are given for taking into account barometric pressure when rationing harmful emissions into the mine atmosphere. The proposed solution for taking into account atmospheric air pressure is recommended to Gosgortechnadzor and State institutions of hygienic rationing to make adjustments for rationing harmful substances in working area air with regard to the barometric factor, which will reduce the burden on workers’ lungs and the level of occupational diseases of miners.

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