An exceedance probability of the influence in the Building Code

  • F.F. Aptikaev Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 10/1 Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, Moscow 123242, Russian Federation
Keywords: Building codes, seismic impacts, OSR maps, MSK-64 scale, probability of exceeding the level of calculated impacts


Relevance. All over the world, the most probable values of seismic impacts are shown on seismic hazard maps. According to the acceptable risk, these values can be increased. In domestic building codes, it is customary to use the most likely values. It is believed that due to various factors, the impact calculations are accompanied by some errors, as a result of which the impact estimates may be overstated by 10, 5 and 1 % for the general SRF maps A, B and C, respectively. However, these estimates were significantly increased when rounding the intensity estimates to integer values of the scores. However, this was not reflected in the explanatory note. Since the points cannot be directly used in engineering calculations, according to the building codes, the points are converted into accelerations on the MSK-64 scale. However, even the creators of the OSR maps and the MSK-64 scale indicated that the scale underestimates the acceleration estimates by about one and a half times. The Aim of the work is to assess the real probability of exceeding the impact level when calculating the seismic resistance of buildings and structures. Research methods – analysis of procedures for assessing calculated impacts using SRF maps and building codes. Results of the work – it is shown that the standard level of accelerations in the calculations of seismic resistance is more than twice lower than the real values.

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