Pyritic deposits of North Caucasus. Prospects of minerality of Hudes deposit

  • I.A. Bogush Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI), 132 Prosveshcheniya, Novocherkassk 346428, Russian Federation
  • G.V. Ryabov Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI), 132 Prosveshcheniya, Novocherkassk 346428, Russian Federation
  • A.A. Burtsev Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI), 132 Prosveshcheniya, Novocherkassk 346428, Russian Federation
Keywords: North Caucasus, copper pyrite deposits, Khudeskoe ore field, explosive breccias, search criteria


The relevance of the work is to study and substantiate the prospects for identifying new ore bodies in poorly studied parts of the ore field. The geological features of the large Khudessky copper-crusted deposit of the North Caucasus are considered. The ore deposits of the deposit have been explored and localized only in the eastern part of the ore field. The central part and the western flank of the field are practically not explored, although a complete ore-bearing section is preserved here and a powerful Northern zone of pyritizedmetasomatites is identified. The deposit is planned to be put into commercial development by the Ural Mining Company in the coming years (a technical project is being developed). The aim of the research was to draw up a section diagram of the productive part of the Devonian volcanic structure with stratigraphic levels of ore deposits of hydrothermal-sedimentary ores and to establish direct signs of hidden mineralization. Methods. In the course of field work, a detailed description of these large-block dense rocks consisting of fragments of blocks of volcanites and clastogenic-hydrothermal small-block cement with rare (1%) fragments of massive pyrite ores and pyritizedmetasomatites was performed. The results of the work were the substantiation as the main search sign of the presence of fragments of massive ores in the secant bodies of explosive breccias, indicating hidden industrial mineralization. The post-volcanic character of these ore-bearing explosive brecciasis proved. The direction of search operations isrecommended. Prospecting drilling wells should be located along submeridional profiles when tracing and identifying stratigraphic ore levels. In the existing tunnel No. 19, it is necessary to pass exploration quershlags in the northern direction, taking into account the secant vertical position of the post-volcanic bodies of explosive breccias. Taking into account the connection of the Lower Permian volcanism with the gold-bearing Northern fault of the Tyrnyauz-Przekish tectonic zone, the proximity and geological unity of the Chuchkur and Khudessky deposits, it is necessary to test explosive breccias for a complex of polymetals, including gold

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