Geodynamics of the territory of Azerbaijan on the basis of GPS data in 2017-2019 yy

  • I.E. Kazimov National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan Republican Seismic Survey Center, 123 Guseyn Javid Str., Baku 1001, Azerbaijan
Keywords: geodynamic model, GPS stations, collision zone in the Greater Caucasus, Zagros mountain


Relevance. the results obtained, in conjunction with these seismicity and the mechanisms of earthquakes, allow to determine the modern geodynamic situation of the studied region. The aim of the work was geodetic analysis and comparison of the results of GPS stations obtained for the period 2017‑2019. on the territory of Azerbaijan. Methods. In the process of studying geodynamic processes using GPS technologies, two spatio-temporal modes are mainly used: a single redefinition of the initial coordinates of the points of geodetic networks and the displacement of the initial values of deformations. GPS data were processed using the GAMIT/GLOBK program. Results. One of the most pronounced features of the GPS velocity field is a decrease in the velocities of GPS stations (northern component of VN), perpendicular to the direction of expansion of the Greater Caucasus surface from south to north. The movement of the earth’s surface to the north-north-east is interpreted as one of the reasons for this accumulation of stress. In addition, there is a tendency for horizontal movement in the Kura Depression and the Lesser Caucasus, which is reflected in the increase in velosity from west to east along the extension of the mountain range. It was determined that the earth’s crust shortened at a velosity of ~ 5 mm / year in the Baku (Absheron peninsula). During 2019, on average, up to 8.4 mm per year in the north-northeast direction is observed for the territory of Azerbaijan. Separate velocities were also calculated for each station. Compared to 2018, it was determined that out of 24 GPS stations PQLG, XNQG, IMLG, QZXG, GANG, MNGG, FZLG, SATG, LKRG, LRKG and YRDG stations, the value of horizontal velocities increased by 0.5‑7.0 mm/year, ZKTG, QBLG. At QSRG, ATGG, GDBG, AGDG, ALIG, JLVGG, GALG, GOBG and NDRG stations, the velocities values decreased by 0.5-3.1 mm/year. In 2019, the highest velocities were observed at Ganja, Mingachevir and Saatli stations. On average, velocities were 3.1-9.6 mm/year in the Greater Caucasus, 6.9-16.5 mm/year in the Kura Basin, 10.2‑14.8 mm/year in the Talish area and on the Apsheron Peninsula. It varies between 3.6‑4.8 mm/year.
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