Issues of evaluating the effectiveness of the introduced dust screens at the design stage

  • A. V. Ivanov St. Petersburg Mining University, 2 21st Line, St Petersburg 199106, Russian Federation
  • A. V. Strizhenok St. Petersburg Mining University, 2 21st Line, St Petersburg 199106, Russian Federation
  • I. K. Suprun St. Petersburg Mining University, 2 21st Line, St Petersburg 199106, Russian Federation
Keywords: dust shield, dust transfer, inversion, dust, modeling


Relevance. Despite the obvious technical simplicity of the dust shield, for a long time the use of such structures on the territory of Russia was practically not practiced. The expansion of the territories of settlements and an increase in the degree of attention to the socio-ecological problems of the regions bothon the part of the authorities and on the part of the population served as an impetus for the development and implementation of dust screens at the facilities of enterprises, including enterprises of the mineral resource complex. However, there are various aspects of the software’s ability to account for dust screens. Aim. The aim of the work is to identify the nature of the distribution of suspended solids in the air of the quarry of the enterprise under consideration, to build models for the dispersion of pollutants in the air in various ways within the framework of regulatory methods and their analysis. Methods. Research methods include analysis of design data on emissions of pollutants at the enterprise in question, consideration of articles devoted to research in this area of application of dust screens. The work was carried out using the UPRZA “Ecolog” software package, which is used for calculating the dispersion of pollutants, which implements the approved regulatory methods with the ability to take into account the parameters of emission sources, elements of the terrain and building elements, as well as with the ability to graphically represent the results. Results. It is noted that dust screens located at the boundaries of a quarry field can be effective only in a semi-permeable design and only with the inversion nature of air movement in the excavation. Based on the results of the studies carried out, it was concluded that, in fact, the recommendations for taking into account protective structures in the normative design methodology do not allow correctly taking into account the use of screens. In this case, the decrease in concentration can only be assessed by the percentage decrease in the mass of the transferred dust.

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