The mine water in the management of groundwater pollution in the Eastern Donbass

  • A. I. Gavrishin Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI), 132 Prosveshcheniya Str., Novocherkassk 346428, Russian Federation
Keywords: mine and groundwater, chemical composition, pollution indicator, Eastern Donbass


Relevance. Coal mining and coal-processing industries are the leading drivers of environmental transformation in the region. These factors are influenced by many negative effects and, above all, intense groundwater pollution. Aim of the research is to assess the role of mine water in the management of groundwater pollution in the Eastern Donbass. Methods. To solve the problem, standard methods of mathematical statistics, digital computer classification technology AGTA-2, and method of assessing water quality according to the total pollution indicator are used. A detailed analysis of the patterns of chemical composition and contamination of mine and groundwater in the Eastern Donbass has been carried out. Mine water contains very high concentrations of many components, much higher than MAC. Results. The highest concentrations are recorded by Fe and Mn, for which the excesses of MAC are hundreds, and in some cases thousands of times. Typically, the excess of MAC is found tenfold for Al, Li, Be, Ni, Se, Cu and Zn. Of the macro components, significant pollution is manifested by concentrations of SO4, Na, Mg and M. In groundwater, Fe and Mn also contribute to groundwater pollution, and there is an excess of MAC for Al, Zn, Be, Li, Se, Cu, as well as SO4, Na, Mg and M. The relevance of the research lies in the fact that for the first time for the industrial and economic region of the Russian Federation, an assessment of the quality of mine waters and their impact on groundwater pollution according to the requirements of the MAC of water in accordance with the regulations of the United States, the EU and the Russian Federation has been carried out. Comparison of the list of mine and groundwater pollution components strongly demonstrates that mine water plays a leading role in the management of groundwater quality. The very high level of mine and groundwater pollution demonstrates the urgent need to carry out monitoring observations, to rehabilitate the environment in the region and to improve treatment technologies, primarily to reduce the concentrations of Fe, Mn and mineralization.

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