• I. A. Kerimov Complex Scientific Research Institute of RAS, 364020, Grozny, Staropromyslovskoye w., 21а
  • M. J. Gaisumov Complex Scientific Research Institute of RAS, 364020, Grozny, Staropromyslovskoye w., 21а
Keywords: geology, tectonics, faults, modern geodynamic activity, earthquake, Terek-Caspian basin


The questions of tectonics, geodynamics and seismicity modern Terek-Caspian basin was study. Character powerful tectonic movements defined fault-block structure of the crustal surface and is reflected in the sedimentary cover. These recent crustal movements study indicate a high degree of modern vertical movements are concentrated in certain areas, which are identified with buried faults. According to the complex geological and geophysical data allocated the faults of different orientation and correspondingly different phases of tectonic activity. Analysis of seismic activity. As a result, processing and interpretation of a large amount of geological and geophysical data areas of paleo-and modern geodynamic activity. An analysis of the fault-block tectonics, development recent vertical movements and modern seismic activity, zones of possible sources of earthquakes.
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