Seasonal cyclic variations in the geophysical fields. Analysis of observations EIEMPZ on the stations network of the North-Caucasian region

  • D. N. Zabirchenko ОАО «Kavkazgeolsiomka, 357600, 203, Kislovodskaya str., Essentuki, Stavropolskyi krai, Russia; Center of geophysical investigations RAS and RNO, 93a, Markov str., Vladikavkaz, Russia;
Keywords: seasonal variations of geophysical fields, monitoring, exogenous geological processes, geological environment, the North Caucasus region, seismic, earthquake, seismic zone, magnitude, hypocenter, solar activity, pressure variation


An analysis of long-term series of observations of the natural pulsed electromagnetic field of the Earth in a network of 10 registrars, located on the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea within the seismic areas of the North Caucasus region, marked characteristic regional features of the behavior of diurnal and seasonal variations of geophysical fields. Developed a method for detecting anomalies with the offset intensity seasonal background.
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