On the promising areas for the development of tools and methods of improving the seismic safety of the territory of Dagestan

  • D.G. Taymazov 1. Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Federal Research Center “Unified Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, 189 Lenin Ave., Obninsk 249020, Russia; 2. Institute of Geology of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the RAS, 75 Yaragskiy Str.,Makhachkala 367010, Russia,
  • S.A. Mamaev Institute of Geology of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the RAS, 75 Yaragskiy Str., Makhachkala 367010, Russia
  • A.S. Mamaev Institute of Geology of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the RAS, 75 Yaragskiy Str., Makhachkala 367010, Russia
Keywords: deformation, areal observations, computer processing of geophysical observations, seismic microzonation, gravimeter, variometer, tiltmeter, hydraulic level, deformation station, extensometer


The prospects of using new hardware and methodological developments of the Institute of Geology of the Dagestan Federal Research Center of Ra S to improve the seismic safety of the territory of Dagestan are discussed. According to the preliminary calculations, the trench-type deformation station (TTDS) developed on their basis is ten times cheaper and more efficient than the well-known underground deformation tunnel-type station, which makes it possible to create a TTDS network in seismically hazardous areas and which expand significantly the range of controlled parameters of the earth’s crust. These parameters will include local volumetric deformations of the host medium, local linear deformations in three orthogonal coordinates, the magnitude and direction of maximum shear deformations, the strike azimuth and the angle of incidence of the plane of maximum shear deformations, torsional deformation relative to the vertical axis, seismic deformation along three coordinates in a wide frequency and dynamic range, local slopes along two orthogonal azimuths, seismic accelerograms along three orthogonal coordinates in dynamic range 100 decibels medium-scale (—100 m) linear deformations along three orthogonal coordinates, gradients of medium-scale linear deformations, medium-scale crustal tilts in two orthogonal azimuths, large-scale horizontal earth’s crust movement, vertical movement of the earth’s crust; nontidal changes in gravity and its derivatives caused by the tectonic reasons, the amplitudes and phases of tidal harmonics in temporal variations of deformations, inclinations, gravity and its gradients. It becomes possible a regular multi-scale mapping of all these parameters, which means a qualitatively new level of deformation monitoring of the earth’s crust. The expediency of using the complex for the organization of seismic-prediction observations in the territory of Dagestan is shown. Other areas of potential development applications include geological exploration, precision gravity experiments, strain monitoring of large engineering structures, precision machines and positioning systems, which gives their implementation additional relevance. It is proposed to supplement the described complex monitoring with regime transmission of seismically active zones of the East Caucasus using heavy vibro-seismic sources and seismic microzonation of large settlements following the existing norms and rules.
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