About the causes and mechanism of the catastrophic explosion-like sudden gas-dynamic outburst of the Kolka glacier

  • M.G. Berger Geophysical institute VSC RAS, 93 а Markov Str., Vladikavkaz 362002, Russia
Keywords: Kolka glacier, gas-dynamic outburst of the glacier, post-volcanic processes, gas-dynamic phenomena


To determine the cause of a phenomenon means to indicate a factor whose action allows to explain all the features of this phenomenon. With all the undeniable evidence of the explosion-like gas-dynamic nature of the catastrophic outburst of the Kolka glacier on September 20, 2002, some of the most important questions regarding the causes and mechanism of this outburst require clarification. This article is devoted to consideration of these causes. Moreover, the author relies heavily on the results obtained in the field of studying explosion-like sudden gas-dynamic outburst in underground mine workings, the research history of which begins in 1834. In the gas-dynamic outburst (removal, rejection, inertial expansion, directional throwing) of the material, regardless of its composition, in all cases the primary (critical) role belongs to the highpressure natural gases of different composition, physicochemical properties and origin that are in the free phase. Accordingly, the cause of sudden explosion-like gas-dynamic emissions, the main acting factor determining and explaining their main characteristic features are expanding compressed high-pressure (having high or even ultra-high reservoir pressure) natural gases. The main source of high-pressure natural gases that caused the explosion-like directional gas-dynamic outburst of the Kolka glacier on September 20, 2002, is obvious - they were deep post-volcanic gases, which are constantly generated in the deep zones of the Kazbek-Dzhimara region and the whole Kazbek neovolcanic region. Thus, the explosion-like sudden gas-dynamic (gas-ice-stone) outburst of the Kolka glacier had an endogenous postvolcanic character. The explosion-like sudden gas-dynamic outburst of the Kolka glacier has clearly shown that it is the abnormally high (ultrahigh) layer pressure of the free gases accumulated in the subglacial space that is the main cause of this outburst - its preparation, launch, development and post-paroxysmal completion. The main source of these gases were the deep processes of ongoing post-volcanic activity in the area, accompanied by the generation, release into the free phase, concentration and upward migration of high-pressure deep natural gases.
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