Comparison of the chemical-analytical and geological Data on gold-bearing intervals of boreholes in limits of the Zygyrkol zone of Tyrnyauz ore field

  • S. G. Parada Geophysical Institute Vladikavkaz Scientific Center Russian Academy of Sciences, 93a, Markova Str., Vladikavkaz, 362002, Russia; Southern Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, 41, Chekhova Str., Rostov-on-Don, 344006, Russia
  • M. Yu. Markin OOO «Argo», 116, Mechnikova Str., Rostov-on-Don, 344018, Russia
  • V. V. Stolyarov OOO «Argo», 116, Mechnikova Str., Rostov-on-Don, 344018, Russia
  • Kh. O. Chotchaev Geophysical Institute Vladikavkaz Scientific Center Russian Academy of Sciences, 93a, Markova Str., Vladikavkaz, 362002, Russia
Keywords: gold, sulphides, skarns, ore, chemical analysis, Tyrnyauz deposit, North Caucasus


The correlative analysis of borehole core documentation and results of gold determination in core samples from ore intervals of gold bearing skarns of the Zygyrkol zone has been carried out. It was shown that gold contents in the ore fntervals does not depend on the type, forms of manifestation, number and composition of ore minerals. Absence of connection of gold concentration with sulphides, magnetite and hematite has been also confirmed at investigation of crush samples, composed of “tails” of 50 trench samples, taken from ore intervals, in which gold contents by results of chemical analysis made from 0.6 to 9,9 g/t. Results of mineralogical analysis of blacksands have shown their extreme poverty in ore minerals. In the mineralogic samples of ores with maximal gold contents there were established particles of native gold, at full absence of sulphides and other ore minerals in these samples. Plural correlation carried out on the array of chemical-analytic data, obtained by results of core sampling of gold-bearing skarns of the Zygyrkol ore bearing zone, has shown that the gold is sufficiently strong correlated only with bismuth. This corresponds to the mineralogical data about existence of association of native gold with native bismuth, established on results of electron-microscopic research. There is established also absence of significant correlation of gold and silver, what can testify in favor of different stages of golden and silver mineralizations. Relatively strong positive correlation of silver with lead, antimonium, zinc, arsenic, maqnganese and tin, testify about link of this element with manifestations of sulphide mineralization, containing galenite, pyrargyrite and other sulphoantimonites, sulphoarsenides and sulphostannates, and also alabandite. So it has been stated that golden mineralization in skarns of the Zygyrkol zone is monometallic (pure golden), formed earlier than so called attendant sulphide and sulphide-magnetite mineralizations of the Tyrnyauz ore field.
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