Some features of the history and CURRENT STATUS of the RESEARCH on the KOLKA GLACIER and GENALDON GORGE 2002 YEAR CATASTROPHE

  • M. G. Berger North-Caucasian innovation center «Sustainable development of mountain territories», Russia, 362021, RNO-Alania, Vladikavkaz, Nikolaev str., 44; Geophysical Institute of Vladikavkaz Scientific Center, Russia, 362002, Vladikavkaz, Markov str., 93 а;
Keywords: Kolka glacier, Kolka (Karmadon, Genaldon) disaster, history and current state of research


Some features of the research history on the Kolka and Genaldon Gorge 2002 catastrophe are discussed, initially in many respects determined the current status of these studies. The insufficiency of this condition is shown.
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