• A. V. Nikolaev Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia 123995, Moscow,BolshayaGruzinskaya Str., 10
  • V. I. Franzusova Institute of ecological problems of the North, Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, 163000, Arkhangelsk, Northern Dvina Embankment, 23
Keywords: tomography, microseismic sensing method, subvertical heterogeneity, kimberlite, diamonds, minerageny, transmutation, cold nuclear fusion, astroproblems


Studies on the structure of the lithosphere in the Northern European part of the Russia by the method of seismic emission tomography MMS that uses microseisms registered on the surface were conducted. The obtained seismic sections show subvertical heterogeneities of the lithosphere sections, which are clearly visible kimberlite pipes. Comparative morphological features of the four pipes in Arkhangelsk region were studied. These results are compared with data on other kimberlite pipes, the problem of their endogenous origin is discussed. Geological interpretation of the genesis and evolution of the pipes is inconsistent, their models are varied. Based on new results of subvertirtical tomographic in homogeneities research the data on morphology of geological structures are systematized. Problems of diamond deposits associated with impact structures formed by asteroids strikes are discussed. The hypotheses reconciling contradictory points of view that include new understandings about the geological substance evolution mechanisms, minerageny, transmutation of elements, cold nuclear fusion, formation and growth of diamond crystals are presented. Paradoxes associated with intangible distance effects on telluric processes and their possible contribution in mineral formation are described. The analogy of kimberlite pipes evolution is discussed. Directions for further researches of Earth’s crusts subvertical heterogeneities are proposed.
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