• O.G. Beriev Geophysical institute VSC RAS, Russia, 362002, RNO-Alania, Vladikavkaz, Markov Str., 93 а
  • T.V. Zaks Geophysical institute VSC RAS, Russia, 362002, RNO-Alania, Vladikavkaz, Markov Str., 93 а
  • A.S. Kanukov Geophysical institute VSC RAS, Russia, 362002, RNO-Alania, Vladikavkaz, Markov Str., 93 а; Vladikavkaz branch of the Financial University Under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russia, 362002, RNO-Alania, Vladikavkaz, Molodezhnaya str., 7;
Keywords: electric field, gamma radiation, noise pollution, meteorological values, population health, regression analysis


A study was made of ecogeophysical environmental factors in Vladikavkaz at 126 points: noise pollution, electric fields and gamma radiation were measured. The noise level was measured with the help of a noise meter and vibration Ekogeofizika-110A of the domestic firm Octave. It is established that the population of the city of Vladikavkaz has a significant time period exposed to noise, which exceeds the permissible level, which can adversely affect the health of citizens. Measurements of the gamma radiation level were made with the help of the device a dosimeter of gamma radiation DBGA-OCHA. According to the received data, the population of the city of Vladikavkaz is exposed to gamma radiation within the range of 0,05-0,18 μSv / h and at an average value of 0,11 μSv / h, which is below the maximum permissible level. For the study of electric fields, the measurements were carried out by the IEP-05 electric field measurer. The parameters of the electric field parameters were up to 1400 V / m at individual measurement points with an allowable level of 800 V / m, indicating that the maximum permissible values for this indicator were exceeded. The effects of a number of meteorological variables (air and soil temperatures, air humidity, cloudiness, sum of precipitation, duration of sunshine, direction and strength of the wind) on the health of the population of the city of Vladikavkaz have been studied. The analysis of the number of calls to the city’s First Aid Station for 2016 was conducted. The obtained data are compared with the data of the North Ossetian Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring for the same time period. For statistical processing of the results obtained, the regression analysis method was used. It is established that of all the meteorological variables studied, only air temperature, which is one of the most meteopatic factors, has a noticeable effect on the frequency of ambulance calls. Estimating the effect of air temperature on the calls of the First Aid, it is necessary to note the variation of the correlation dependence of a number of diseases on its changes, which undoubtedly requires a more detailed study of this problem.
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