Block and key lithospheric structure of the active Asian north-eastern continental margin. Koryak-Kamchatka region

  • G. P. Yarotsky Institute of volcanology and seismologies FEB RAS, Russia, 683006, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsly, Piyp avenue, 9
Keywords: longitudinal zonation, transverse fault, blocks, lithosphere, volcanogenic rocks, earthquakes


The abstract presents the system of NW faults determining longitudinal zonation of regional geo-structures on the North-East Asia active margin. They defined linear and nested volcanogenic rocks of NW and SE Koryak orogenic belts and their association with ore regions. Transverse faults resulted in possible near-vertical dipping or uplifting of marginal geo-structures. Longitudinal-axial faults are zones of maximum geodynamic stresses arising in troughs of down-horizons’ layers and in curves of convex horizon’s layers. Vertical seismogenic columns with hypocenters of strong (M > 6,6) earthquakes of the Koryak seismic belt are formed on their junction with deep boundaries of multi-aged marine terrains.
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