• O. G. Burdzieva Geophysical institute VSC RAS, Russia, 362002, Vladikavkaz, Markov Str., 93a
  • Yu. I. Razorenov North-Caucasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (State Technological University), Russia, 362021, Vladikavkaz, Nikolayev Str., 44
  • B. V. Dzeranov Geophysical institute VSC RAS, Russia, 362002, Vladikavkaz, Markov Str., 93a; North-Caucasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (State Technological University), Russia, 362021, Vladikavkaz, Nikolayev Str., 44;
Keywords: geophysical monitoring, field, massive, stress-strain state, stability of the massive


The information on the geomechanical condition management of ore-bearing massif in difficult mining and geological conditions through the organization of geomechanical monitoring system of its stress-strain state using geophysical methods in underground mining of rock deposits is systematized. A critical analysis of the theories of state management of stress-strain rock massive is given. The information about the functions, methods and scheme of organization of geophysical monitoring of underground mining operations. The results of the use of geophysical methods in the companies - analogues are presented. The analysis of the geomechanical processes in the development of old fields of the North Caucasus and the features of their development are given. It is shown that geophysical monitoring of production processes allows to assess the stability of the massive under various conditions. Recommendations on the organization of monitoring with the resumption of mining processes in the area of gotten oaf are given.
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