Numerical simulation of the filtration process in the right-bank of the river Don for protection the buildings against rise of groundwater in the city of Rostov-on-Don

  • A. V. Gridnevskiy Don State Technical University, 1 Gagarin Sqr., Rostov-on-Don 344000, Russia
Keywords: numerical modeling of geological filtration, experimental design, identification of hydrogeological parameters, seepage of groundwater, flooding


Construction on the right bank of the river of Don in Rostov-on-Don is associated with a risk of flooding and seepage. To provide hydrogeological forecasts, a numerical hydrogeological model of the river valley slope has been developed. It characterizes the geological structure, the boundary conditions of the underground flow, and the parameters of the permeability of the soils. The identification of hydrogeological parameters and the intensity of the influence of boundary conditions are performed by the method of multivariate numerical simulation. Inflows of water to drainage structures are estimated, their dependence on man-caused infiltration. According to calculations, shallow-lying Scythian clays provide a local rise of the groundwater level. The article analyzes the hydrodynamic processes in the mouth of the Temernik river on the right bank of the Don with the aim of detailing the hydrogeological structure of the soil mass and estimating filtration parameters and boundary conditions. The obtained results were used to determine the water inflow in the seepage area to the drainage facilities accompanying the construction. The mentioned approach is based on numerical hydrogeological modeling, systematically taking into account the parameters of geological filtration in their relationship. It allows taking into account the factors of geoecological risk for the development of effective solutions to protect against flooding. The oldest sediments that determine the engineering and geological conditions of the city are the sea clays of the Lower Sarmatian layer (N1s1) with a thickness of 10-15 m, serving as a regional aquifer. Clays are covered with a complex (15-20 m) of permeable fractured limestones of the Sarmatian layer (N1s2), interbedded limestones and sands of the Meotian (N1m) and Pontian layers (N1p). The stratum ends with red-brown dense sediments (5-15 m) of Scythian clays (QЕsk). Construction in the outflow zone creates a groundwater ascent and generates the risk of deterioration of the geotechnical conditions for the operation of buildings and structures: flooding of buried structures, displacement along the slope of water-saturated sandy-clay soil.
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