Seismic hazard on the territory of Armenia: seismic zoning normative maps. Preliminary version of the new general seismic zoning map

  • V. G. Grigoryan Institute of Geophysics and Engineering Seismology after A. Nazarov of NAS RA, 5V. Sarksyan Str., Gyumri 3115, Republic of Armenia
  • J. K. Karapetyan Institute of Geophysics and Engineering Seismology after A. Nazarov of NAS RA, 5V. Sarksyan Str., Gyumri 3115, Republic of Armenia
  • K. S. Ghazaryan Institute of Geophysics and Engineering Seismology after A. Nazarov of NAS RA, 5V. Sarksyan Str., Gyumri 3115, Republic of Armenia
  • R. S. Sargsyan Institute of Geophysics and Engineering Seismology after A. Nazarov of NAS RA, 5V. Sarksyan Str., Gyumri 3115, Republic of Armenia
Keywords: earthquake, seismic zoning, source zone, seismic impact, ground acceleration


In the article we made a chronological and detailed comparative analysis of general seismic zoning (GSZ) maps compiled in different periods for the territory of Armenia. Based on the developed and improved methods for assessing the parameters of seismic influences and using modern methods and technologies for assessment and mapping of seismic hazard (zoning), a probabilistic map of seismic zoning for the territory of Armenia at a scale of 1: 500,000 was compiled. The map is based on the models of possible seismic sources with estimates of seismic potentials (Mmax) of the basic structural elements (compiled by the staff of the IGES NAS RA) and the seismic effect. The proposed version of the GSZ map of the territory of Armenia differs significantly from the current normative map. A zone with the expected maximum values of ground acceleration - 0.5g is allocated on it for the first time. The task of further research is to consider more complex models of the space-time distribution of strong earthquake sources, more objective and acceptable (from an engineering point of view) quantitative characteristics that determine the nature and level of expected impacts and methods of their mapping. Thus, within the framework of the general scientific program for the assessment of seismic hazard and seismic risk, the improvement of methods for quantifying the parameters of seismic effects in the IGES NAS RA, research is being conducted to consider problems using, besides traditional (displacement, speed, acceleration), also integral parameters of vibrations, the most fully characterizing the impact energy.
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