The Vetrovayam volcanic rocks and their ore district (south-western part of the south-estern koryak belt)

  • G. P. Yarotsky Institute of volcanology and seismologies FEB RAS, Russia, 683006, Kamchatka Krai, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Piyp avenue, 9
  • Kh. O. Chotchaev Geophysical institute VSC RAS, Russia, 362002, RNO-Alania, Vladikavkaz, Markov Str., 93 а
Keywords: volcanic rocks, seismicity, tectonics, regularities, faults, key-block lithospheric structure


Certain NE volcanic orogenic belts have contributed into emergence within the Koryak highlands. They are located in the sea transition zone of the lithosphere within the southern margin of NE Asia and host gold, silver, native sulphur, and copper. The belts are isolated along the strike by certain volcanic rocks that are tectonic-magmatic substance for ore taxons. The article describes the Vetrovayam volcanic rocks with their elements of tectonic-minerageny system in the Ilpinsky ore district. The paper provides evidence that the volcanic rocks are located on the arch of rising lithospheric block enclosed by transversal interblock faults. East of the volcanic rock there is a zone of the strong 1991 Khailinsky and 2006 Olyotorsky earthquakes, which allows to suppose probable seismic hazard to developing lode gold mining company constructed in that zone.
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