Problems of water resources and water use in arid regions, using the example of ancient and modern Israel

  • V.A. Shirokova S.I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, 125315, Baltiyskaya Str., 14, Moscow
  • O.A. Alexandrovskaya S.I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, 125315, Baltiyskaya Str., 14, Moscow
  • E.A. Likhacheva Institute of Geography RAS, Russia, 109017, Moscow, Staromonetny Lane, 29
Keywords: Water use, water consumption, hydraulic structures, water systems, the Israeli kingdom, ancient Israel


The article is devoted to problems of water resources and water use in arid regions at the example of ancient and modern Israel. When analyzing the history of water management also drew attention to the relief and morphological structure, defining the location of water sources and development of ancient cities. Most water sources are located along zones of lineament. Discussed the water system, dedicated to the Jordan basin, and in particular, the water system of the late Canaanite era (XIV-XIII centuries BC) and the beginning of the ancient Kingdom of Israel; the Hellenistic period in the history of the water systems; the system of water in ancient Jerusalem; artificial water system of the end of the old era (I century BC). Outstanding achievements of engineering and construction practices of the ancient Israelites in the area of water management based on their good knowledge of local conditions (primarily the features of the geological structure) and ability in acute shortage of fresh water to collect and keep it until the next winter rains, carefully spending it during the year. Experience ancient engineers today can serve as a worthy example of the productive relationship between man and nature.
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