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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 14-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

The journal “Geology and Geophysics of the South of Russia” publishes original articles of theoretical and methodological nature on geology, geophysics and geochemistry, the results of studying the composition and structure of the Earth’s crust and mantle, the formation processes and the general patterns of mineral resources, geophysical methods for their detection. The subject of the journal corresponds to the current nomenclature areas of knowledge of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation: 1.6.1 General and regional geology. Geotectonics and geodynamics; 1.6.4 Mineralogy, crystallography. Geochemistry, geochemical methods of prospecting for minerals; 1.6.6 Hydrogeology; 1.6.9 Geophysics; 1.6.10 Geology, prospecting and exploration of solid minerals, minerageny; 1.6.11 Geology, prospecting, exploration and exploitation of oil and gas fields; 1.6.12 Physical geography and biogeography, soil geography and landscape geochemistry; 1.6.20 Geoinformatics, cartography; 1.6.21 Geoecology; 2.8.6 Geomechanics, rock destruction, mine aerogasdynamics and mining thermal physics; 2.8.8 Geotechnology, mining machines and related scientific directions.

For works of a regional nature, preference is given to articles that reveal the various issues of the geological structure of the South of Russia and adjacent territories.

According to the gradation of Sciences accepted in the international citation systems Scopus and Web of Science articles for publication in the journal "Geology and Geophysics of the South of Russia" are accepted by the following branches and groups of Sciences:

  1. Earth and Planetary Sciences;
  2. Environmental Science.

The journal “Geology and Geophysics of the South of Russia” publishes:

  • articles interpreting the new scientific research results of volume not more than 10 typewritten pages including illustrations and tables;
  • brief messages containing information on the important results of the preliminary research of volume 3-5 pages (these materials can be used in the full article text);
  • reviews of the typewritten articles on the actual problems on current geological, geophysical and environmental problems of the South of Russia and adjacent territories, volume 20-25 pages by the editor’s order.

All papers must correspond to the journal theme. The presented manuscripts pass the preliminary and total reading stages and if necessary are sent back to the authors for the correction and finishing. The manuscripts are published in Russian and in English, the abstracts in Russian and in English as well. The journal publishes only the original articles. The author is fully responsible for the requirement. The manuscripts are not returned to the authors in case of being rejected in publication. The editor also does not return the materials sent. The editor has a right to make reductions and corrections of the article text. All corrections in the text and figures can be done by the authors only at the stage of the typesetting preparations. The infringement of the manuscript submission guidelines will lead to the article rejection. The publication is free of charge for authors of papers written by request of the publisher, and for graduate students. Reprinting is allowed only with the editorship permission with the obligatory references to the journal «Geology and Geophysics of the South of Russia».

 Instructions for the authors

Acceptance of materials for consideration is carried out through the electronic service http://www.geosouth.ru or by mail to the Publisher address: 93a, Markova Street, Vladikavkaz, Russia 362002, Geophysical Institute of VSC RAS, the editorial office of the journal «Geology and Geophysics of the South of Russia».

The following materials should be presented:

  • an article (structure and rules see below),
  • a separate sheet with the information about the authors: surname, name, patronymic name, scientific degree, rank, a name of the organization, office and home address and telephone number, e-mail (if exists) and the reference to the author to contact with;
  • a confirmation from the organization if the presented materials are the result of the work carried out in that organization; the journal heading (section) should be pointed out in the confirmation;
  • an expert conclusion or any other document allowing the publication in the open press confirmed by the organization head and proved with the stamped seal; the expert conclusion is presented only by the authors from Russia.

If materials are submitted by electronic service, paper copies of the manuscript are not required to be submitted to the editorial office. When registering online, you must follow the step-by-step instructions for uploading files. When sending materials by regular mail, you must attach two paper copies of the article, signed by all authors. Text prepared in accordance with the general technical requirements is printed on one side of an A4 sheet. An annotation with the title, authors and their affiliation given at the beginning is printed on a separate sheet. Signatures to the figures are also provided separately. Each table and figure should be printed on a separate sheet. At the bottom of the page with an illustration, you must specify the number of the picture. It is also necessary to attach an electronic version on any portable storage device or, in agreement with the editors, send the relevant materials by e-mail.

The article lay-out rules (submission guidelines)

The following information should be pointed out on the first page: universal decimal classification, the article heading (title) in Russian (Sentence Case, without quotation marks, without division of a word, without a full stop at the end, underlining isn’t used), point 20 semi bold, centre aligning; the authors surnames (point 14 semi bold type, the right-edge aligning), the organization name, post address, town, country and e-mail of corresponding author.

The abstract should be 250-300 words without formulas and literature references. In case a manuscript is presented in Russian, the abstract should be repeated in English with the article heading (title), surnames and names in this language. In case a manuscript is presented in English, the Russian variant must be supplied. The abstracts are typed in Times New Roman (12 point) in one file in the following order: the article heading (title), the authors, the name of the organization, the abstract text in Russian with the further information in 2 lines in the same sequence in English. The abstracts are also published in the journal site (in Russian and in English). Keywords (5-8) that reflect the theme of the article must be specified at the end of the abstract.

The article text is typed in Times New Roman (14 pt) through an ordinary interval aligning along the format. A subtitle is typed in italics, aligning along the left edge. The common terms, measurement units and conventional symbols similar to the whole article are used. The decoding of all symbols is given for the first text use. The Latin alphabet letters are typed in the italics while the Greek letters in the straight type. The mathematical symbols lim, lg, ln, arg, const, sin, cos, min, max, etc. are typed in the straight type. The symbol shouldn’t coincide with the over symbol element in the chemical elements (H2O) and measurement units (MW/cm2) and must be of the straight (ordinary) type. One shouldn’t mix similar written letters of the Latin, Greek and Russian alphabets and should use the proper macros. The letters I and J, v and υ, е and l, h and n, q and g, V and U, О (letter) and 0 (zero) must differ in inscribing. There must be a sign of the continuous gap between a value figure meaning and its dimension. The hyphen is not used; the gap character also mustn’t be used in the text for the lay-out. The formulas are designed with the help of the built-in formulas processor (Microsoft Equation), the enumeration being done in the round brackets (2), aligned along the right edge; the decoding of all signs (letters) in the formulas is given in the order of the formula reference. To avoid the errors and misunderstandings, the editorial staff recommends the authors to use the Latin, Greek and other (not Russian) alphabet letters in the formulas and to keep to the omission sizes while the formulas printing. Large formulas must be divided into separate fragments. If possible, the fragments must be independent; each line is a separate object. The enumeration and punctuation marks should be put into an ordinary text separately from the formulas. The tables, pictures and photos are placed inside the text and must have a through numeration along the text and their own headings. The titles of all tables, pictures and photos are presented in Russian (11 point, italics). The numeration of the picture symbols is given in clockwise order or from up to down. The pictures should be done in the computer form, preferably in Corel Draw or compatible program using the following rules: a picture width – not more than 16.5 cm, a line thickness: the main – 1 pt, auxiliary – 0,5 pt; for the symbols in the picture area – «Times New Roman» type of 9 pt must be used. The vector pictures are written into the separate documentary files. The photo pictures must be contrast and performed on the mat paper. The scanned photos are written into the files of TIFF and JPEG format. To scan the image one should use the resolution of 300 dpi for the contrast black-white pictures and 600 dpi for semitone ones. The colour illustrations are admitted on the editorial agreement. All symbols, terms and illustrations should correspond to the operative standards.

The list of references is given in the general list at the end of the article. The list is compiled alphabetically (Harvard style); sources in Russian follow first, then in English. Literature in Russian should be issued in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008. References to the literature in the text are given in square brackets in a line with the text of the document. If a link is given to a document created by one, two or three authors, in the reference indicate the name of the first author and the abbreviation “et al.”; if authors are not specified, the name of the document is indicated; further the year of publication is indicated and, if necessary, the information is supplemented with the indication of the pages. The information in the reference is separated by a comma. If the reference contains information about multiple links, the information groups are separated by a semicolon. It is allowed to abbreviate in a reference long titles, denoting dropped words with an ellipsis with space before and after this prescribed sign.


Copyright Notice

Once agreed to publish his/her paper in the journal, the author (unconditionally reserving the copyright) grants to the journal the right of first publication based on the Creative Commons Attribution License which allows using his/her paper by others provided there is a reference made to the author of the original text and to the original journal publication.

Лицензия Creative Commons

Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following:
1. Authors retain copyright of the work and provide the journal right of first publication of the work.
2. The authors retain the right to enter into certain contractual agreements relating to the non-exclusive distribution in the published version of the work here form (eg, post it to an institutional repository, the publication of the book), with reference to its original publication in this journal.
3. The authors have the right to post their work on the Internet (e.g. in the institute store or personal website) prior to and during the review process of its data log, as this may lead to a productive discussion and a large number of references to this work (See. The Effect of Open Access).

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.