• С. Э. Казымова Национальная Академия Наук Азербайджана Республиканский Центр Сейсмологической Службы, Азербайджан, 1001, Баку, ул. Гусейн Джавида 123
  • И. Э. Казымов Национальная Академия Наук Азербайджана Республиканский Центр Сейсмологической Службы, Азербайджан, 1001, Баку, ул. Гусейн Джавида 123
Ключевые слова: Geodynamics, the Caspian Sea, subduction, focal mechanisms, the Scyphian-Turan plate, Kopetdag-Caucasian folded area


He article dedicated to the study of geodynamics of the Azerbaijan part of the Middle and Southern Caspian Sea on the basis of the modern study of the geological structures of the region studied with reasonable results of the analysis of its geological structure, GPS data, seismic activity and earthquake focal mechanisms. It was found that the majority of the cluster of earthquakes concentrated in the pseudo-subduction zone. The foci of earthquakes are immersed to the depth of 70 km. Most of the earthquakes is below the Moho boundary, which indicates the deep roots of Apsheron-Balkhan moving system. The results of the mechanism of the earthquakes have shown that for the territory of Central Caspian depression for small angles of the axes of stretching values are typical large-angle compression axis, indicating that the prevalence there is strike-slip shifts. Thus, we can say that the seismic processes in the Absheron-Cheleken deep fault zone caused by the same reasons - with active tectonic movements on the border of two of the largest structures of the Earth’s crust in the region - Scyphian-Turan plate and Kopetdag-Caucasian folded movable area.
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